Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everything I LOVE <3

My little sister she's a cutie! <3

My BFF Eirene is coming home this Saturday and I can't wait to see her, I miss her so much!

New lipstick in Ruby, I've been totally and completely obsessed with this lipstick. It's all I've been wearing lately.

Can't wait until I start doing things like this, I'm so excited for school. Isn't it just AMAZING!


I know I haven't been blogging lately and I'm sorry. I honestly have no excuse, I'm just really lazy haha. Well I finally had a chance to go shopping and I really wanted to go to a good will but instead I ended up going to a swap meet in Palmdale. At first I was angry because I was sure I wasn't going to find anything amazing, but I was soooooooooo wrong. I ended up finding some very awesome pieces which I am super excited about. I love them so much, and I promise to do a blog on each individual piece. I haven't gotten my shoes I ordered but I got an e-mail saying that they were shipped so they will be getting here pretty soon. Oh today it snowed! yay!!!! My sister and I got to play in it which was very fun but freezing cold. My bff Eirene is coming home this Saturday and I can't wait to see her, I feel bad she missed out on the snow but soon enough we will go to Tehachapi to go sledding which is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. There are so many things going on and I love it! I promise to keep you updated I know I neglected my blog for a couple of days but it won't happen!!! I can't wait to share everything with you guys on here, I'll def keep you posted BYE!

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