Monday, December 8, 2008

The Art Institute and The Freezing Cold Weather

messy bangs
squinty eyes

So besides the freezing cold weather today was a very good day. I finally got my letter of acceptance to The Art Institue of California-Hollywood I start my classes in exactly 5 weeks so I'm super excited and scared. My mom thinks I'm going to get lost hopefully that doesn't happen. I'm going to major in fashion design which is something I truely love yay!!! And I'll be in a big city which is what I desperatly need... I don't know how much of the desert I can take. Today I mangaged to salvage more of my mom's clothes that she was planning on throwing away I managed to save three skirts and a dress, so hopefully soon I'll be posting blogs on those items of clothing. I've been wanting to go shopping so maybe this weekend I'll be able to go to a thrift store, maybe I'll find something amazing!
Paris Blues red trench coat, thick black tights, high waisted shorts are vintage they were given to me, white men's shirt, white flats

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