Friday, January 2, 2009

Pixie-Edie Sedgwick or Rihanna


So you know how I said that I was going to go through some changes well this is one of them! Today my best friends and sister accompanied me for support to the hair salon, surprisingly I wasn't nervous or scared. I'm not like other people who are emotionally attached to their hair I mean it's hair it'll grow back eventually. But the end result was amazing I seriously love my hair way to much! It's a huge change but I felt like I needed it and I'm glad I did it. My best friend Eirene got her hair cut too and it looks great on her. The insperation for my hair cut was Rihanna's hair but my friends tell me it has more of an Edie Sedgwick feel which is cool because I love her and she's gorgeous. In these pictures I am wearing a fuschia lipstick that belongs to my best friend and I wanted to see how it looked on me because I'm tan it's such a beautiful color but sadly it didn't look as great as it did on my bf since she's way lighter than I am the color makes her lips pop. Next change you'll just have to see!